This is sad news...
I was planning on waiting awhile before posting new entries at this blog; this weblog was started not too long ago, and we are currently on summer break. This afternoon's news, however, makes it very appropriate, and very essential, that I post something now.
Check out the latest at:
FOX NEWS Illinois Leader -
TownHall.com -
NewsMax.com -
World Net Daily -
Human Events -
National Review -
Washington Times Young America's Foundation -
Young Americans for Freedom -
RememberRonaldReagan.comReagan RanchI am not going to say much about this right now, but we should have more material up here soon. Tomorrow afternoon, some of the
College Republicans in Illinois will be meeting at
Eureka College, which was President Reagan's alma mater. Those who are there will be laying some special items at
the statue of the President in the Reagan Peace Garden. I plan on being there (I now have to figure out how to get to Eureka...). As Jennifer Brower has pointed out [see her
ReaganRepublican.com site], we are
We will have more pertinent material posted here soon. This is a sad day for our state, and for our nation.
- Photo taken by Peoria Journal-Star reporter at this event (at Eureka College)(Photo was placed on the AP wire, and appeared in several newspapers.) - UIS College Republicans official statement on the passing of President Reagan - My article on Watchblog on the passing of President Reagan