Election-Week Group PostingAs indicated
below... In accordance with
Rich Miller's request for
all Illinois bloggers, Blogger.com "
invites" were sent out on Election Night to some of our members [including supporters of each of the major campaigns for Governor], so that multiple students would be able to post their thoughts and reflections on our weblog. For the next few days, these guest-writers will be blogging at UISGOP, with their reflections and reactions regarding our current political situation, or anything else related that comes to mind.
If you are a member of our organization, who would like
an invite to guest blog here (through this weekend), and if you haven't already received one, then please
drop us a line. Thank you very much!
Note: During this time, several of our members have been given the opportunity to post at this weblog. We want to make abundantly clear that viewpoints expressed here are soley those of the entry's authors... They do not represent the views of the organization as a whole. This is the policy that this website has had, in fact, ever since it was begun, and it is the same posting policy that most "group blogs" [especially those of non-profit organizations] have.
The bottom of each entry provides the name and e-mail address of its author. Comments and feedback about the posts can be sent to him or her. In addition (as stated above), if you are a member of the UIS CR organization, and wish to post here, please contact us.