Breaking news: Governor Blagojevich [finally!!] arrested...There has been a TON of stuff that's happened, since we last posted here (from Washington, D.C.), and several entries have been saved as drafts below - to hopefully be published soon.
We just had to interrupt this blog however, to post this morning's latest news... Our governor, the insufferable Rod R. Blagojevich, has been arrested!!
This is something that has been a long time coming; it was surprising though, how it just suddenly happened, triggered by a new issue (the filling of the vacancy of outgoing
U.S. Senator Barack Obama).
Blago is currently in federal custody, along with his Chief of Staff. The U.S. Attorney will be holding the press conference, regarding this, at the top of the hour (in about 10 minutes).
This will be an interesting situation to watch (as Illinois politics oftentimes is! ;-)...