Monday, February 2, 2009
Contact: Nathanael Arthur
Statement of the UIS College Republicans on the Conviction and Removal of Rod BlagojevichThe UIS College Republicans are truly relieved that the impeachment and trial of Governor Rod Blagojevich are finally over. We applaud the General Assembly for finally standing up to a corrupt and imperious Governor and for advocating for the people of Illinois. It is our hope that the General Assembly will learn from this ordeal and work to enact tough campaign and ethics laws to ensure tranparency within the system and trust back into state government.
Though we disagree with Governor Pat Quinn when it comes to political views, we hope that he will be open to the General Assembly's input and that there will be greater transparency, especially in the crafting of the budget. We also hope that Governor Quinn will work better with the General Assembly in addressing the challenges facing Illinois and in restoring Illinoisans' trust and confidence in state government and politics.