Grassroots is where it's at!We know that there have been a ton of UIS College Republicans events and happenings, from here (Lincoln Day Luncheon w/ Mike Huckabee, Bay Buchanan event, Senator John Millner meeting, Student Government, etc...) to Washington, D.C. (
CPAC 2009!!) and back. We have saved draft posts below, which will hopefully be published, with some recaps and coverage of this.
For right now however, it's Election Day... My last post contains an e-mail that was sent out, for volunteers; several UIS College Republicans are involved in the important local elections, for "Illinois Consolidated Election Day" 2009, either here in Capital Township, the greater Springfield area, and/or elsewhere in Illinois. UIS CR alumnus
Matt Mau is running for Village Trustee in Chatham, UIS CR Event Coordinator
Braxton Denton is running for School Board in Vandalia, and former UIS CR Chairman
Kurt Kojzarek (who
scored a major victory last time), is running for Township Clerk up in Elgin.
For our area, here are the candidates, who've been endorsed by the Sangamon County Republican Party:
[Note: To find out what districts you're in, enter your address here (if you're registered in Sangamon County).]CAPITAL TOWNSHIP TRUSTEES (
Vote for 4):
Candice D. Trees (Republican)
Rich Berning (Republican)
Sarah Delano Pavlik (Republican)
Phil Chiles (Republican)
-----------------------> Check out this site for our
Capital Township Trustee Team...
Vote for 3):
Gray Herndon Noll [ www.graynoll.com ] [ Facebook Group ]
Brian Reardon [ Facebook Group ]
Mark Beagles
SPRINGFIELD SCHOOL BOARD, DISTRICT #186 (Vote for 1, in your district)
Subdistrict 2: Nick Stoutamyer
Subdistrict 4: Keith Sias [ www.keithsias.com ]
Note: For the following offices, the candidates are unopposed.[LINCOLN LAND] COMMUNITY COLLEGE TRUSTEES (Vote for 1, in your district)
District 1: Justin Reichert
District 2: Cinda Edwards
District 3: Kent Gray
District 4: Andy Ramage
District 1: April Troemper [ Facebook Group ]
District 3: Tony Smarjesse
District 4: [Vote for 3] - Mary Frances Squires, Mike Coffey Jr., Connie Sebok