Election Time Again!!Below is an e-mail that I had the current UIS CR Chairman forward to our list yesterday; it provides an overview of what's going on today, here in Springfield and the surrounding areas (as well as throughout the state of Illinois):
Dear all,
We've mentioned before how local-level elections can have an even greater impact on our day-to-day lives than the statewide and national ones do. Also, your involvement can help make the difference, in important races, like we did last time... Illinois Consolidated ELECTION DAY is tomorrow (TUESDAY)!!
One of the Democrat candidates we are trying to defeat won her last race by only 8 votes. In addition to that race, our Capital Township Trustee Team has a heated election, with a whole team of Democrats to go against.
*** Please meet us at the Sangamon County GOP Headquarters around noontime tomorrow (TUESDAY); if you are not able to make it at that time however, we could use your help at other points of the day as well.
---------> The HQ is at 1132 E. Sangamon Avenue (here is a map and directions), near the intersection of Sangamon Avenue & Peoria Road, across from the Main Gates of the Illinois State Fairgrounds (and a couple buildings down from Fulgenzi's Pizza).
ANY ASSISTANCE that you, or anyone else you know, could provide, will be very much appreciated, by us, and by the area Republican leaders. We hope to see you tomorrow (Tuesday)... If you need transporation, or have any questions, please contact me, at (217) 652-0987 or uisconservative@yahoo.com . Thank you!!
Aakash Raut
Precinct Committeeman, Capital 36
(217) 652-0987